1. The machine should fit in a square of 300mm x 300mm. There is no height limit.
2. The combined weight of the robot and the remote must not exceed 3 kg.
3. If the team is using a laptop or a mobile phone for controlling the robot then its weight is not included in the above
4. The machine should not scratch, damage or destroy the arena or accompanying parts of arena.
5. The machine should not shoot anything at the opponent’s robot.
6. Any robot found damaging the arena will be immediately disqualified. The final decision is at the discretion of the organizers.
7. Readymade (market sold) robot with or without modifications will not be allowed in the competition.
8. Machine must be completely self-contained and should receive no outside assistance. It should not use an energy source employing a combustion process.
9. Machine should have an on-board power supply. No external power supply is allowed.
10. Voltage on the machine at any point should not exceed 12 V DC.